The opportunity heard 'round the blogosphere. That is right. I believe every blog I frequent has a post about Nielsen Homescan. This is a great opportunity if you want to have a voice in the shopping habits of consumers. If you think you will get great "prizes" quickly and earn lots of money, then you should not bother with Nielsen Homescan. You can earn great prizes, but it will take some time.
My level of experience with this program.
I have been a member since February of this year. So far I have received a few extra gifts for being a member. In April I received a nice insulated shopping bag that folds up for convenience; in May I received a multipurpose bottle opener. I have missed a few weeks of input (I was out of town), but have been diligent in scanning almost all of my purchases.
What do you get?
First, Nielsen sends you a hand held scanner and a charging base. This you keep plugged in and close to a phone line [for transmitting]. The instructions say to keep the scanner in the charging base when not in use. You also will receive a laminated barscan page for items such as fruit, vegetables, meats, bakery items, and fuel purchases. You will receive an instruction booklet, a book of items you can "purchase" with the points you earn, and your own identification number.
How does it work?
Every time you make a purchase you are to scan each item, enter the price, how many purchased, coupons used, and if there were store specials. This can be time consuming, especially if you use a lot of coupons [like me]. You need to remember what coupons were used or keep a list. I have heard some people take their scanner with them while they shop, so this is another option. Once a week you are to transmit your scans to Nielsen via phone line. Then, you are to call in for any special instructions, surveys, and other information. Nielsen also has a website for checking your balances and online survey opportunities to earn additional points for rewards.
What do you scan?
Everything. If you buy a newspaper and Coke at the store, Nielsen wants you to bring your items home to scan before you throw them away. If you fill up at the gas station, Nielsen wants to know. Going out to eat? Keep your receipt and enter your information in your scanner when you return home.
What do you earn?
- Sign-up Points- When you become an active household and receive your equipment, you automatically receive 1,000 sign-up gift points.
- Weekly Transmission Points - Each week you transmit, you receive gift points:
Anniversary Points - Get bonus gift points when you reach your 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year anniversaries! These extra gift points are also given on each anniversary after your 1-year anniversary.- Super Scanner Points - 350 additional gift points are awarded each month you qualify. That's up to 4,200 additional gift points each year! To qualify, you must:
- transmit your purchase and/or survey information every week in a month, or
- make an "empty" transmission if your household has not shopped that week, or
- transmit the Won't Be Shopping Survey if you'll be unable to shop.
- Survey Points - You can earn additional gift points by answering Homescan surveys. You may receive surveys via regular mail, e-mail, or on your Surveys payge at
Homescan Consumer Panel Sweepstakes Program- Lucky Weeks Sweepstakes - Transmit once a week to earh an entry into the Lucky Weeks Sweepstakes. Every week, 10 panel members win $25!
- Monthly Sweepstakes - Transmit each week of the month to earn one entry into the Monthly Sweepstakes. Every month, 15 panel members win $1,000!
- Extra Special Super Scanner Sweepstakes - Transmit every week in the month and you'll earn Super Scanner points. For each month you receive Super Scanner points, you'll earn one entry into the Extra Special Super Scanner Sweepstakes. That's up to THREE entries every quarter! Every quarter, 30 panel members win $500!
- Grand Prix Sweepstakes - Transmit every week in a qualifying quarter to earn on entry into the biggest sweepstakes of them all... the Grand Prix! Every quarter TWO panel members win their choice of any one of the following: a fantasy vacation, a new vehicle, or a lump sum payment of $20,000!
- Ultimate Shopping Spree Sweepstakes - Transmit EVERY WEEK in the Homescan year to earn one entry into the Homescan Ultimate Shopping Spree Sweepstakes! One panel member gets his or her choice of any 10 gifts from the current Homescan Gift Catalog.
There you have it. If you interested in becoming a Neisen Homescan Consumer Panel member, then click on the image below to get started.
Points and Sweepstakes information courtesy of Nielsen Homescan®.
Disclosure: Affiliate links used in this post.