Commission Junction

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Get paid to answer questions. Get paid to ask questions. Get paid to be voted up. Tweet it out and Facebook it, too.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

BzzAgent - Test Drive Great Products

BzzAgent Badge

This past summer I received a sample of the new OFF! Clip-on mosquito repellent system.  This is a great idea.  Good-bye messy, smelly, sticky sprays.  Just clip on this fan and it keeps those pesky mosquitos at bay. 


Monday, August 31, 2009

Nielsen Homescan Opportunity Open Again

This great opportunity is back, but for how long?  Nielsen still is taking applications for their consumer research panel.  They send you everything you need to get started


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

ClixSense - Advertising That Pays!

Here is another get paid to look at ads type of program. This one is very much like Hits4Pay. Just log in to your ClixSense account and click on Browse Ads $$. This will list all ads available to you and the amount they pay. Pay for viewing typically is 1¢ to 2¢ per ad. Remember to keep the ad open for 30 seconds, then close the window and click on the next. Simple, right?


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nielsen Homescan Consumer Panel - EXPIRED

The opportunity heard 'round the blogosphere. That is right. I believe every blog I frequent has a post about Nielsen Homescan. This is a great opportunity if you want to have a voice in the shopping habits of consumers. If you think you will get great "prizes" quickly and earn lots of money, then you should not bother with Nielsen Homescan. You can earn great prizes, but it will take some time.

  • Sign-up Points- When you become an active household and receive your equipment, you automatically receive 1,000 sign-up gift points.
  • Weekly Transmission Points - Each week you transmit, you receive gift points:
  • Anniversary Points - Get bonus gift points when you reach your 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year anniversaries! These extra gift points are also given on each anniversary after your 1-year anniversary.
  • Super Scanner Points - 350 additional gift points are awarded each month you qualify. That's up to 4,200 additional gift points each year! To qualify, you must:
  1. transmit your purchase and/or survey information every week in a month, or
  2. make an "empty" transmission if your household has not shopped that week, or
  3. transmit the Won't Be Shopping Survey if you'll be unable to shop.
  • Survey Points - You can earn additional gift points by answering Homescan surveys. You may receive surveys via regular mail, e-mail, or on your Surveys payge at
Homescan Consumer Panel Sweepstakes Program

  • Lucky Weeks Sweepstakes - Transmit once a week to earh an entry into the Lucky Weeks Sweepstakes. Every week, 10 panel members win $25!
  • Monthly Sweepstakes - Transmit each week of the month to earn one entry into the Monthly Sweepstakes. Every month, 15 panel members win $1,000!
  • Extra Special Super Scanner Sweepstakes - Transmit every week in the month and you'll earn Super Scanner points. For each month you receive Super Scanner points, you'll earn one entry into the Extra Special Super Scanner Sweepstakes. That's up to THREE entries every quarter! Every quarter, 30 panel members win $500!
  • Grand Prix Sweepstakes - Transmit every week in a qualifying quarter to earn on entry into the biggest sweepstakes of them all... the Grand Prix! Every quarter TWO panel members win their choice of any one of the following: a fantasy vacation, a new vehicle, or a lump sum payment of $20,000!
  • Ultimate Shopping Spree Sweepstakes - Transmit EVERY WEEK in the Homescan year to earn one entry into the Homescan Ultimate Shopping Spree Sweepstakes! One panel member gets his or her choice of any 10 gifts from the current Homescan Gift Catalog.
There you have it. If you interested in becoming a Neisen Homescan Consumer Panel member, then click on the image below to get started.

Points and Sweepstakes information courtesy of Nielsen Homescan®.
Disclosure: Affiliate links used in this post.


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After experimenting with affiliate programs, advertising, and different ways to make a little extra online I decided what better thing to do than to share all that wonderful information! So, here it is. Just for you. Every time I find something new and exciting, worthwhile, or just plain fun I will blog about it here so you can get in on, too.

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